31 December 2014

2014: Year in Review | Day 1

Hey, hey, hey *I say like Fat Albert over the interweb*

It is without a doubt that there have infinities within each day, hour, minute, and second. Golly there is so much to talk about that I had to blog about each as the occurred throughout the year. (That's literally where all my blogging time went throughout the year--*haha snicker*)

Well, where do we start?

Ten Year Anniversary

  • Friends finale
  • Mean Girls
  • 13 Going on 30: A personal fave. In person, you can often find me quoting the movie and grooving to the glazy 80s jams. One thing I absolutely love about the movie is the impeccable movie scores by the likewise impeccable Theodore Shapiro (Find him at............)
  • Lost premiere: The seven-season ABC7 that ended on May 23rd 2010 (I just know by fact)

Celebrity News

  • Joan Rivers' death: gfoj
  • Bill Cosby accusations: uygougpu
  • Robin Williams' death: lgugp
  • Mike Nicholls' death: What a tragedy! I love Diane Sawyer and to think of this happening to her is well, I don't know. Know one could have seen this so soon. Sawyers is a strong women, and wish her best of luck. Nicholls is renowned for being a produced of theater and movies, and is also known for discovering such artists as Whoopee Goldberg, whom I also adore!
  • Amanda Bynes:
  • Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's baby!
  • Connor Franta's coming out
  • Rosie O'donnel returns to The View: Following the feud with Elizabeth Hasselback, she returns to the long-running show to add her perspectives and inputs on the show. Personally, Hasselback was never a favorite of mine because I always found her defending and arguing over simple things--kinda like my sister (luv ya sis! <3 li="">
  • Barbara Walters retires: She retired from ABC entirely and while its odd to not see her all of the time (which kinda got annoying while she was on air), I still respect her for being the first known woman to stand as a female anchor. She return for her Barbara Walter's 10 Most Fascinating 2014.
  • Drew Barrymore's birth of her second child, Frankie Barrymore Kopelman.
  • Maya Angelou's death.: Will always love your writing; luckily I can't to live in the same world and at the same time as you~


  • Girl Meets World: Oh, dear, who could ever forget Corey and Topanga (that's why I added this first.)? I watch every episode quietly to re-encounter the journey through C+T's two children. I especially love the tension between Riley and Lucas, the Topanga of this new generation! Sabrina Carpenter brings the Shawn to the show as Maya, the rebellious yet loyal friend, while Minkus' son (Farkle) could be overcame with friendliness over his own self-involvement. I highly recommend watching the show if you love Boy Meets World whether you weren't born when the show ended or if you lived through the tears, emotion, and moralistic nature of the prequel.
  • Forever: Another mystery show, but about a doctor who's seen everything in the book--because he lives forever! I highly recommend it if you love mystery and crime shows, as I do, but to some, it may seem like another generic and predictable show of the genre! Your choice!
  • The Fault in our Stars
  • The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1:
  • Interstellar
  • The Maze Runner: l I just didn't like: I am more of a person who empathizes with women (obviously), so to see a Katniss or whatever as a male just doesn't suit me. I'm sorry. On another note, I fell asleep reading the summaries of the upcoming book renditions.
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past: pi I can't emphasize enough how much I love Marvell--seriously since birth--so the fact that The Avengers II will come out soon is so surreal.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: oihpioj[ Marvel, again! Howevery, this movie depicts people not necessarily with powers, but abilities to manipulate chemistry (so I believe from my current Chemistry class that I don't care for). It's also different, because it primarily occurs in the galaxy, unlike, well, any of the Marvel movies.
  • The Lego Movie: kjhij[p OMG: this movie was just so OMG!! It was so cute that I found myself screaming AWWWW the entire time through its hilarity and sympathetic moments.
  • Maleficent: A movie I am yet to see.
  • Dumb and Dumber To:
  • Godzilla:
  • Gone Girl: ho The movie and book sound a little too graphic for my tastes, but nonetheless, I love a twisted something something!
  • Big Hero 6
  • Lucy: jhpi I initially wanted to see this movie until I started AP Psych, realizing how scientifically incorrect it was. But the plot sounds good, I need more feedback!
  • This is Where I Leave You: I bought the book, not knowing it would be a movie....so I need to catch up~
  • The Interview:
  • Into the Woods: a movie I am yet to see--looks good, though!
  • Laggies
  • Boyhood: A movie I personally want to see as it follows a boy from over several years, growing up. This same boy filmed this; I mean he actually starred and filmed his life in this indie movie that you must see!
  • What if: giuhp
  • Jersey Boys
  • Sex Tape


  • Ebola

Cancellations and Renewals:


Rising Stars

  • Iggy Azalea
  • Sam Smith
  • 5 Seconds of Summer

Music Hits

-Just: All About That Bass) no question about it, please!

Find me updating quotes, clips, and pix of loveable and informative memories of 2014 throughout the week. Don't miss anything!

02 August 2014

Post-Exercise Delights!

Sometimes you should work for no incentive at all! Not all the time, cuz we all need a little treat every now and again, right?

Below are a few after-exercise goodies for your hard work! ; )D

Skip The Sniffles!~A vitamin-C shock that will boost your immune system.
2 red apples
1 peeled orange
5 carrots

Re-hydrate after a workout!~Skin tight, and replenished digestion system
2 cups watermelon
1 cup pineapple
1/2 a squeezed lime

Get Endless Energy!~Ready for workout sesh #2?
1 cup spinach
1/2 cup pineapple
1 peeled kiwi

1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup ice

Make your skin glow!~With a hint of lemon juice, you'll not only make your skin glow even more, but you'll brighten your new confidence!
1 banana
A handful of blueberries
1 peeled mango
1/2 cup of ice

Flatten Your Belly~After about a week of these nutrition insights, you'll be surprised to find that you're possibly making the best post-exercise decisions!
3/4 cup pineapple
1/2 a grapefruit
2 peeled oranges
A pinch of mint.

*Fortunately these recipes are actually do-able and easy to find at your local supermarket (unlike certain advertisements)!!!*

References: Seventeen Magazine:

  1. http://yourcupofhealth.blogspot.com/2014/03/juice-boosts-seventeen-mag-article.html
  2. Seventeen Magazine: March-April 2014
  3. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/473440979549691247/

24 July 2014

Portable Mirrors

Not only is your mirror a super necessity, but it is also a super necessity! With your mirror, you can pretty much fixate on the minor details that no would really otherwise care about (Really? Really.). But hey, what's a girl to do!
Let's just say that mirrors are super helpful when it comes to the extremes, as well. I mean the Angels of Charlie's Angels use it as a spy maneuver, but unless you're a spy, all you can really do is touch up your face or stalk your ex in the funkiest outfit possible!
Fortunately us gals have such fragile and tiny tools handy, right? I mean to avoid awkwardly staring at ourselves through a spoon or window in which we can't see (but others could), we are equipped with our very own, like a badass! We want to look flawless as possible, inspired by the latest styles and trends or to resemble our celeb role model, right?

11 July 2014

Cover Girl Ad: #GirlsCAN

Feminism according to:

Wiki/Google: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
 I am a feminist, but I won't be barging on your door imposing my ideas and beliefs because I'm actually a descent person (at least I'd like to think so). I guess that's why people give the word a bad connotation. At first when I heard it, I thought all hell would break loose, to be honest. Well, then I was much more naïve and didn't understand the word as extensively as I do now, which is still not a whole lot!

People think that to be a feminist, you have to have an opinion, an opinion that would just about strike someone in the face. An opinion that is just that hard to understand that a conference and election day are necessary for the occasion. Well, I, however, believe, in fact I know that everyone has an opinion that can get out of control sometimes. I can't count how many times I've shared my opinion with someone that went out of control on just 10 of my unnaturally long fingers. I can try but there's just not enough to time in the day, you know?

My point is, take a stand, and if you're willing, support your fellow feminists (men and/or women, dogs or cats) or join a campaign, but don't feel obligated to do anything if you're not willing. Again, there's just not enough time in the day.

You can absolutely stay you. Don't be too hasty as to change you're entire personality! And another sliver of advice: don't change yourself for anyone because you are different. Diversity couldn't have ever been the best without matter. Matter, that topic that failed you in chemistry because it's well, everything! Some people are compatible with some and inconclusive with others. That's the beauty of life! You're never going to get everything, but it's a heck of a lot better to have everything that you have. It may no satisfy you now, but maybe one day. Sure my siblings can be irks, but that's because they are! And I am, and you, and so forth. We can't be anyone, but our selves, because if I was Joe Shmoe for six seconds, then where's the diversity. There's no diversity in compatibility. Like I said, I may want to slap my brother one second and never love his individuality the next! With individuality, we have debates, fist fights, coffee, and good laughs (on occasion). Without it, we would be Joe Shmoe looking at himself in the mirror, think about how much he wants to be Cameron Diaz (whose white with a Hispanic last name! What? Shocker!).

That whole paragraph up there is just me being realistic! I'm sorry I had to go all Jane Austen and Mark Twain on you. (But why would I want to be, right? Right.)

To contradict myself. (I know, it's like a big slap in the face. Just bear with me. Please), I do encourage you to actually have an opinion. To just care a bit. I mean it wouldn't be called feminism without wanting to enforce women's rights. Whether it be in your head, in front of your neighbor's dog's face, or in your community.

Personally, I believe women deserve more than they are accredited for. Again, bear with me and if you won't than just don't. Leave, because it's my blog and I have much to say about this subject! In addition to that whole "diversity" topic that was longer than a frogs tongue catching a resting fly, but everyone is unique. No one deserves to have anyone define them as a person, because we are all just that important and different!

So basically, don't let anyone, ANYONE, tell you what you are and what you are not. Don't let anyone make you feel lesser than  you are, because no one knows you better than yourself, don't doubt it! When it comes to media, it's okay to have a role model (I mean, heck, I have a good ten fingers of them!), but don't feel pressured to be exactly like that person. In conjunction, don't deny that you aren't trying to be exactly like someone. I get it. I really do! But now, I'm in a place where I'm comfortable enough to like in good skin! I almost didn't survive! I'd hate to parade my life, which is not what I'm doing at all, because I am not a glamorous person you'd want to be. You ARE, don't forget that. If you want what someone has, then that's cool, just don't want the whole package! K?

Be proud for what you have! You have what you have. Don't be a sleazy fool without reading the fine print (both literally and metaphorically). This is not limited to sex either! (I hate saying that word more than I have to ) Remember, some guys are douchebags! Well, I guess everybody is a douchebag sometimes.

I'm not trying to turn anybody against anybody! I just want to teach what I have learned in some of the craziest of times!

Don't take the crap men give you! And if they persist in giving you trouble, either fight for your 1st Amendment (Remember that thing still exists?) or realize that they were never worth fighting for. Personally, I would demand for what I deserve NEVER GIVE UP!!!

"Have women not proven themselves yet? How arrogant can men be? To not give them a chance. Well, clearly they don't like surprises, an undoubtedly fantastic one. Men are still pretty neat creatures, but they are not world dominators. Humans IN GENERAL are!"

 ~Anonymous Interviewer

"Women are in the army, and are more than just teachers and housewives. They are much better than what media says they are. Give them a chance. Because change is good. Why not try it?"

~Anonymous Interview

 Reference: WikiHow: which is a bad source! Check it out! I pretty much disagreed with all of their suggestions, which were unconvincingly in the form of commands!  http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Feminist

05 July 2014

Color Run 2014 Experience

As I have been enthusing about for quite a while, I have brought forth some of the many treasurable pictures of my epically and odd Color experience! (Let me throw in an extra emphasis on COLOR!!!)

We were very well ready, me to run, and my friend Delaney just wanting to walk peacefully. What's so wonderful about absolute friends is that they make you do things you would have never thought about ever doing. From start sign, to start sign, and a few hopeless giggles reassuring our patience, we were set, protruding near the Dodgers Stadium and along Sunset (Crap, I'll need to show you the L.A. scene soon, sorry but my technology is pretty slow!).

Around some corner, we approached Blue and agreed to run threw each color arena, just before we caught a few pix of the absolutely adorable signs they had near each color station, which you can find most of them in the collage I made recently.

What an odd way to say Happy Summer!!!
One turn-off might just be that as we were nearing the end of the run, each of the color sprayers got lazier. With that said, by Yellow, the last station, everyone was more or less one or two colors (blue and Pink, in which the sprayers were lively and energetic, being the beginning of the run), no yellow at all, whatsoever. (Curse you Yellow Angels!!!). Purple so happened to be my fave because like I said (or typed) my friend convinced my to roll over, on the freeway (which, by the way, was closed for the occasion) in the abundant misty purple powder that couldn't color anyone! Which is precisely something that wouldn't have occurred to me at all in any stage of my life! I mean, how often do you have the opportunity to make #Colorangels on the freeway?

Following the, as I would call "The Most Beautiful Mess", we clustered in what seemed to be a mosh pit, frantically jumping up and down to songs like Roar, and Die Young by the notable Katy Perry and Kesha (whose name is no longer spelled with a $ sign--Side note: I applaud your efforts, Kesha!!!) while the DJ threw Color Run themed items. I so badly wanted the fedora!!!
I did however, manage to find a bracelet he threw, which is still amazing, nonetheless!

Extra color packs (filled with color powder) were also thrown into the audience for, when at the chorus of songs like the ones mentioned above, throwing spontaneously so that, well, let's just say the bright sun could not be seen in sight because of all the color powder!

By 11:30 Pacific coast time, time seemed to pass me. The sun shone from the same angle from when we first arrived at 8:30 or so! I know I make it sound like a  bad thing, but I realized that, Wow, this is what summer is supposed to feel like. To be bluntly honest, I have never had any real "fun" in my life, and for the day to be so superlative above all others, I was definitely stoked to have experienced something so extraordinary!

The aftermath included going to Whole Foods to eat a little, sleeping in the car, and wandering L.A. to find a beach. Well, how could you not find one, right? I think you would hate me for hating beaches, but let me say, it was INSANE being there because I was with my friend--and not family (which I love all the time, except when they don't give me privacy--haha jk <3 p="">

Would consider going to the Color Run next year? It's a no-brainer! Yes!!! To endure new adventures and surprise myself so more!

Me with one of my very good friends, Delaney at theawkward-ness.blogspot.com
Check her out!!!

22 June 2014

Songs of the Month

Hello, it is officially almost two days after The Color Run. I was so psyched to be there! And you'll get slither of how my experience went soon. And by soon, I mean when they actually send to my email, because with all this excitement, I just want to enjoy sharing my experience with you ASAP, but now there's a delay.

Since it is Summer (this shouldn't be capitalized, but I "say I'm a rebel" (you'll understand the ","'s soon!), I finally have time to listen to some of my favorite song artists. I think it's kinda ideal to love one song, and explore other songs from the artist or band who sang it. I finally get to explore! I never got to think that this is My Summer of Exploration, like in the books you read and movies you watch.

I'm such a girly girl when it comes to songs. Let me see, I have my playlist about #Love and one about songs that make me feel like I'm in New York. I listen to this playlist at Starbucks, 'cause, well Starbucks is much like any café in and of itself in New York. Oh, and I also have a playlist from songs in my childhood, which I absolutely love to listen to to reminisce or to find a muse for my stories and artwork (JSYK: I'll be posting one of my drawings in the near future ; )

And I also have my Summer Playlist which has expanded in size over the recent years. Check it out by clicking the glowing link!

So  this week, I fell in immense love for Andy Grammer and Ellie Goulding, constantly repeating Andy's (ya hear: we're already besties) song, Crazy Beautiful and Ellie's song, Human. As you can probably tell, I'm a little behind music wise, but I'm gradually catching up.

Grammer's song just has a soft, and smooth tension to it that just makes me feel like hugging him. Crazy Beautiful pretty much describes how "cra-crazy beautiful", "strange, strange, and wonderful" his girl is regardless of her mediocre and seemingly minor flaws. That's reassuring, right?

Grammer's songs never seem to disappoint me, because his songs are on the verge of being realistic enough for me to not hate his songs. After hearing it, I'm sure you would agree that he would be the perfect Summer BF for you! And he hasn't been arrested in the public eye yet, so that's reassuring if you can't stand him!

And Ellie's song, Human, allows the reader to empathize with how hard it can be to fit in, but not necessarily the way one would actually relate to. I'm sure the song is depicting her as a robot or other intricate creature that. like Pinocchio, wants to be a "real" human. Despite her already being alive, she doesn't function with a heart or other organs like all other tangible creature we see on a daily basis.

Don't you feel for her? I certainly do. I mean, every one creature: a dog, snail, Pikachu, human, even wants one thing or another, but to want something that you want unconditionally, but can't, is surely something I can't even bear with at all, if it is that important!

I just love how the verses just slide along the musical scale. And when she hits those high notes, BOOM! Flawless! I however, don't like how she just repeats the chorus, like in any typical song. I guess that's just how a chorus goes, right? But seriously, the chorus was a turn-off as it kept repeating.

On a side note: Once I'm obsessed with a song, I have to sing to it, so if you're not a "lyrics"-type person, then, uh, deal with it! Seriously, there aren't any official music videos that I know of yet.

I hope you agree with what everything. If you don't feel free to comment. I'll make sure to reply!!^=^

14 June 2014


My dear friend Delaney offered me to register for The Color Run. Me being completely oblivious, I had no idea what the flip-flop she was talking about. I was wondering what correlation there was between various colors and running.
She mentioned that people join to run (or walk if you're walk-ity) about 5k and throw colors at each other. It's truly amazing and hey, I haven't been there and I know that it's going to be a heck lot of fun (and rainbows, check the pic below and you'll know what I mean!)

In chase you do not know me, I was born to run. After doing Cross Country freshman year, I realized that it is not the perfect thing for me to do every day. Ya know: coming home only to fall asleep sweaty and tired and slacking on homework! Yeah, let's just say running everyday wasn't at the top of the pinnacle for this mad person, but I do enjoy running by myself to clear my and think to myself. Other times, I run to the park and read a good book or continue writing (i.e. songs, novels, short stories, poems, etc.)

So after her including that there would be free attire, like shirts, sweat bands, and color powder, I decided it hecks yeah! It would be extraordinarily fun! (Side note: I try using other adjectives besides "good", "great", or "cool" because life would be a whole lot better when you are not just using the same three words to express enthusiasm).

So this here old Color Run will be here in Los Angeles next Saturday June 21st. I think registration has discontinued, but don't frump like your lazy gray and white-bellied cat, because it is annual and very umm blinding, so bring your sunglasses in case you get a little color in your precious eyes. Oh yeah, and it will most likely be sunny so don't hesitate to bring water (and don't forget the shades!)

If you're are feeling a little woozy stay clear and in site on the right will the runners take the left. Always be careful to stick with your team.(my team name is the Fugly Moonicorns XD) or not, it is totally up to you. I can not stress it enough, but plan what you want to do, where you want to meet, and what time! Seriously!!!

There is a Lost 'n Found center for lost items or if someone is lost, just meet up in the front center and they'll call someone in your team to pick you up ^.^

And if you have a little pocket dough, feel free to support the Children's Hospital of Orange County. If you think for a minute about how your childhood was, whether good or bad, consider helping a child's life a bit, contributing towards their futures that you guys have right now!!! Just consider it, I definitely do it!

Check-In Party: Pick-ups (Food....)

Pick-ups for uniforms, more info, etc will be at the Color Run site itself. The call it a party, but I'm not sure if there's food involved. This will be held next Thursday and Friday (the pre-Color Run days that I'll be screaming for incessantly, by the end of the week, I'll talk like Emma Stone--love ya Emma!)

Questions? Please contact there customer service representatives by clicking here.
Thursday 6/19/2014 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 6/20/2014 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Or if you have a few Q's for me, don't hesitate, I don't have a life, Haha!!!


I'm going to be completely honest, virtually nobody is reading this, and yeah, I'm pretty sure of that! In case someone out there is actually reading this, I'm Joss.

Now that we have been officially acquainted, I wanted to add that although it is amazing to know that someone not limited to your select group of friends is listening to you (cuz trust me, that seems spectacular) it doesn't matter who or how many people are following you. I totally get it, so-and-so has 11,018 followers and that just seems so perfectly extreme, right, to know that so-and-so is so popular? I'm the type of person to deny being popular. But yeah, I had a followers thingy for people to follow this blog and was ashamed to find that only 6 people or less were listening to what I had to say. I had been longing for a "bigger crowd", not just 6 people! You can laugh now. I am, right now!


I just considered like less than an hour ago that the number of followers should absolutely not make me feel shameful or lousy, that's just Mr. Negative hoping to ruin me! One person, none, or a hundred are fine with me, seriously! I want anyone reading my blog to have a pleasurable time, leave a message, and I'll respond, cuz I truly wanna blog like for the same reasons that you want to read your favorite magazine.

Blogging, or just writing in general is calming and inspiring to me. Writing just has so many, uhhh, obscure (yeah, I'll use this word) aspects to it. Everything changes, everywhere, every second, and we can never change our pasts, so that right there, is the perfect layout to blog just about whatever, and right whatever! Besides writing and blogging, it try to squeeze in a bit of time to just read. I desperately need to catch up  on my reading, because, like musical artists/bands, there is just so much to read ranging from a manuscript (which I enjoy reading until I get to the instructions), recipes, menus, playwrights, blog or social media posts, movie summary, it's (ahh *I need a breather*) just endless!

Personally, I am an aspiring writer, journalist, and graphic designer. In case you are new to this blog, I try to incorporate my own artwork via Photoshop or Picmonkey on here, because it's fun to explore art and writing. If your daring, try painting a mural or writing a movie script. It's not easy, but I am ready for just about any constructive criticism, because the positive thing I find about constructive criticism is that it is in, and of itself, supposed to you better!

On heel to my "followers" synopsis, I just feel that it is not necessary to see the number of people following, rather I would just love to read you input/comments to make my day! All of this is just a result of me taking a turn in my confidence. I have gradually become more spontaneous, and you can probably tell from the language of my very first blog post! With confidence, I just want to know that there is a positive to every negative and if you can't find one, look harder through that dark haystack, because you'll find it eventually?

...and just cuz every word deserves a picture

29 May 2014

Last Love Song

Guess it's been quite awhile: Major Apologies (studying for Finals, hope ya don't mind=)

For all the Liars (#PLLfans) out there, season 5 has brought us ZZ Ward's song Last Love Song, screening Aria/Ezra's #notsosecret LoveFest. I kinda wanna say that I am a Liar, but at the same time, I only watch the show when I hear that it gets interesting. I'm not up for the intense drama cuz it kinda gets me ansty. However, I live for drama believe it or not! When this happens, I frantically pound my fists, until the distasteful dissatisfaction is over.

I love the show, believe me when I say it! But I hope to the Uni-Lord that the show doesn't last like 5 more seasons, cuz that would be insane (even more insane if they were still in high school, cuz it seems that they been in that shitload for two seasons too long!)

How many of you agree that the show can be a little too dramatic? During these time, I simply "KEEP CALM AND CHANGE THE CHANNEL"

Watch the video below and fangirl over the lost love? Idk cuz I kinda skipped most of seasons 3 and 4 and watched the last episode! Does Ezra die? AHH!!! I hate the suspense with these shows, but the cliffhangers at the end of each season just make me love it even more!

Pretty Little Liars

summer premiere tuesday june 10 8/7c

Perhaps I should read the novels; cuz I finally have time to do so! #summervacate   #summerobsession


The Carrie Diaries ended! I haven't seen Sex in the City but Candace Bushnell (the author of these fantasma novels and the creator of Carrie Bradshaw!--just so you know) amazed me with the creation of the very realistic broadcast of how Carrie became a successful and aspiring magazine journalist!

 In case you didn't know, the idea of Carrie Bradshaw (even though I had no idea who she was at the time) has inspired me to be a Graphic Designer/Journalist. Like Carrie, I want to be in The City as it never ceases to amaze me! I plan to attend the extremely competitive New York  University in fall of 2017 and by then, it would have been 15 years of wanting to be there, and by attending would be a privilege to know that all my work had paid off!

09 May 2014


"The next thing I know, he's holding my hand."

25 April 2014

Happy To Be Alive, Because by Chelsea Jacobs

Hey my fellow people! 
Friday it is. (How do British people talk like this?) Well, good news! My fellow blogger, Chelsea Jacobs's (whose blog I've been following for quite some time now) book has finally been released! YaY!!! I'm so happy for her!!! You can check out her blog and perpetual excitement on thegirlwholovedtowrite.com
Sound interesting?

Quote from Happy to be Alive, Because
Quote from Happy to be Alive, Because...
Quote from Happy to be Alive, Because...
 Amazing, right! And so true, a writer in progress!!! Hope for more.

Enjoy!!! ^=^

06 April 2014

Cheater Cheater Pumkin Eater

Given the many, and I mean many, celebrity divorces on trial, it seems as though there is not really love in the world anymore. As a commoner, I in many ways admire celebrities, especially those who put their money and power to good use!

The problem with most of these tragic flaws is that they can't find the time to care for someone else. Sad, right? I would think so. Talk about time management, a skill that I recommend everyone to have. 
And when they are shooting a movie, or whatever they do in their time, they themselves attracted to their co-workers, if not then others! Like seriously? Hands-off is the policy here! There are many commoners out there, that clearly understand that they have limits that they withstand. For others, "boundaries" may be the more appropriate term. Didn't they learn in elementary school, that if something's not their's, they should treat it more respectfully?

Obviously, there is someone, a family perhaps, at their house with feelings, thoughts, emotions, and grudges? And when they are of screwing this beach-tanned babe, what are they thinking. At some point, we all wanna screw somebody not within our limits. But that's what the perfectly normal masturbation is for! Creatively f*** this turd that you wanna do, without throwing the wrecking ball in your marriage, family, and relationships! Stop the controversy, seriously!

I still don't understand why they would do such a thing. Is it because, like thieves, they think they wouldn't get caught? I mean why can't they have a normal, yet indulging relationship (like Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield) that involves comfort, many dates, and a lavished wedding many girls would dream to have?

Give me your input on this subject, cuz it just makes no plain sense to me!

04 April 2014

Good Morning, My Loves ^<^!

April 4th

Hey my Daydreamers!
Wishing you a wonderful Friday with the original rendition of "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows"!
Spread the pedal-ly love of flower crowns or surprise your loved one with a car full of nice, fresh bees!!!!
...I mean roses (or something)
Later, my Sunshine loves!

24 March 2014

Don't Fret...Erase Instead!

Of the many people out there, who want some arm muscle besides the irritatingly random and umm flappy flab?
Like you (the readers who virtually raised their hands thinking I asked them to), Ialso suffer from Chronic Arm Flab
But who needs that flab, anyways?
Sara Shmooper: "My arm flab hurts me and other people! I cant's stand this!"

Using, ErAser-ErAser, Sara Shmooper *side laugh*, Sara became live again......

Sara Shmooper: "ErAser-ErAser help my harming of others. And I am hot again." *showing off her stupendous arms* "ErAser-ErAser REALLY WORKS!!!"

.....It was then that Sara Shmooper became a chicken and sold for slaughter 10 minutes later =Q
(R.I.P. Sara Shmooper March 20th 20-- to March 24th 20whatever year it is)
It's EASY and LEGAL! ; p
With ErAser-ErAser, we can prevent Chronic Arm Flab and promote Arm Flab Awareness.(YAY)

Check out Bob's transformation:
He went form Flab....
...to Fab

With ErAser-ErAser, Erase your Flab away
It's arm-tastic!
This actually works! This is legal nowhere EVERYWHERE and may cause internal bleeding, throbbing, and/or vomiting. Inductive diarrhea may occur
Do not take with amphetamines, or prescipted drugs.
Please consult your doctor of random body parts come off. 
We are not liable for your stupidity--seriously NO ONE SHOULD BE DUMB ENOUGH TO USE THIS PRODUCT

12 March 2014

Song Choice: Black Roses

The past 2 days were the best, don't get me wrong. I woke up to find 2 people in my house instead of the 10 that currently live with me. And thanks to the freaking awesome Daylight' Savings, I woke up to a glorious sun on my couch. Cool, right? I felt serene....in a good way!
......Until I woke up today almost late and didn't finish what I wanted that makes me more stubborn that I can't stress it enough.....Regardless, I have a family emergency that'll make me proc. stinate and that just adds to my STRESS!!!

Lately, I've been listening to a playlist of songs recently in Nashville (one of my top favorite shows) and can only hear the end of this song for about 3 weeks. It's kinda like seeing an ice cream truck stop at your house everyday, tempting you, and by the time you've furumtiously found your wallet the truck has already left!
Basically, she decided to writr thiNetflixbecause of her demanding and unfqithful mother. By saying, or singing fir that matter, "im not under your spell", it's kinda breathtaking to see her charactee literally sing out her heart. Her repressed emotions have been released and that's relieving to rid yourself of all your troubles. It really is, catch Scarlett on  #Nashville on Wednesdays at 10 PST. i ts kinda in season 2, so youll have to catch upon #Netflix of domething.  #girlpower

28 February 2014

Fall Flat For March

He likes making my fave ice cream...
So basically mint madness, is the month to celebrate loners  (face it --YOU'VE 
from Valentine's Day  to redeem their single-ness by embracing
all the bitter sweet sensations in their life.
--I know, right?
Check out the jump break for a special Mint Madness thing I kinda made--kinda =D (Oh wait that's too happy XD)

14 February 2014

Friendship over Valentine

Just as a Valentine Delight, I took the liberty of emphasizing Friendship to day--in case you were left at the alter, or your sweetheart ran off with your hotter best friend. Regardless, everyone needs a friend!
Happy Dancing Piglet Day
*Don't  be a shmooter-puss* 
The sooner you realize that special someone is closer than you thought, get some--then, get some more!
Here's the ideal friendship I think everyone should have!

13 February 2014


I know, I know! I'm sorry your New Year's wasn't as epic because I didn't wish you a happy new year! Now, we're like half'through the month of January and I kinda feel like a dush! So HapPy NeW YeAR!!! Here's a Sorry and Happy New Year pic just for you!...

Forgive me now?

Okay so Recent Topics suggest that I'm going to talk about my FAVORITES, but they're horribly wrong, and to prove it...they spelled the word "favorites" wrong. Haha, right?
Follow the link to

The following content may be too ugly and horrifying to understand
Please bring a comfy pillow and at least 3 tubs of popcorn
hahaha "popcorn" sounds like "your mom"
We recommend children 12 and younger
to walk away and try kicking a fire hydrant
Kids like that, right?
We also recommend that you bring a year supply of tissues.
Content may cause permanent scarring in the eyes, nose, mouth, and phyleaopubopuss
Again, box of tissues, cause things just got serious!
Click the link when youre human enough to

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