11 July 2014

Cover Girl Ad: #GirlsCAN

Feminism according to:

Wiki/Google: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
 I am a feminist, but I won't be barging on your door imposing my ideas and beliefs because I'm actually a descent person (at least I'd like to think so). I guess that's why people give the word a bad connotation. At first when I heard it, I thought all hell would break loose, to be honest. Well, then I was much more naïve and didn't understand the word as extensively as I do now, which is still not a whole lot!

People think that to be a feminist, you have to have an opinion, an opinion that would just about strike someone in the face. An opinion that is just that hard to understand that a conference and election day are necessary for the occasion. Well, I, however, believe, in fact I know that everyone has an opinion that can get out of control sometimes. I can't count how many times I've shared my opinion with someone that went out of control on just 10 of my unnaturally long fingers. I can try but there's just not enough to time in the day, you know?

My point is, take a stand, and if you're willing, support your fellow feminists (men and/or women, dogs or cats) or join a campaign, but don't feel obligated to do anything if you're not willing. Again, there's just not enough time in the day.

You can absolutely stay you. Don't be too hasty as to change you're entire personality! And another sliver of advice: don't change yourself for anyone because you are different. Diversity couldn't have ever been the best without matter. Matter, that topic that failed you in chemistry because it's well, everything! Some people are compatible with some and inconclusive with others. That's the beauty of life! You're never going to get everything, but it's a heck of a lot better to have everything that you have. It may no satisfy you now, but maybe one day. Sure my siblings can be irks, but that's because they are! And I am, and you, and so forth. We can't be anyone, but our selves, because if I was Joe Shmoe for six seconds, then where's the diversity. There's no diversity in compatibility. Like I said, I may want to slap my brother one second and never love his individuality the next! With individuality, we have debates, fist fights, coffee, and good laughs (on occasion). Without it, we would be Joe Shmoe looking at himself in the mirror, think about how much he wants to be Cameron Diaz (whose white with a Hispanic last name! What? Shocker!).

That whole paragraph up there is just me being realistic! I'm sorry I had to go all Jane Austen and Mark Twain on you. (But why would I want to be, right? Right.)

To contradict myself. (I know, it's like a big slap in the face. Just bear with me. Please), I do encourage you to actually have an opinion. To just care a bit. I mean it wouldn't be called feminism without wanting to enforce women's rights. Whether it be in your head, in front of your neighbor's dog's face, or in your community.

Personally, I believe women deserve more than they are accredited for. Again, bear with me and if you won't than just don't. Leave, because it's my blog and I have much to say about this subject! In addition to that whole "diversity" topic that was longer than a frogs tongue catching a resting fly, but everyone is unique. No one deserves to have anyone define them as a person, because we are all just that important and different!

So basically, don't let anyone, ANYONE, tell you what you are and what you are not. Don't let anyone make you feel lesser than  you are, because no one knows you better than yourself, don't doubt it! When it comes to media, it's okay to have a role model (I mean, heck, I have a good ten fingers of them!), but don't feel pressured to be exactly like that person. In conjunction, don't deny that you aren't trying to be exactly like someone. I get it. I really do! But now, I'm in a place where I'm comfortable enough to like in good skin! I almost didn't survive! I'd hate to parade my life, which is not what I'm doing at all, because I am not a glamorous person you'd want to be. You ARE, don't forget that. If you want what someone has, then that's cool, just don't want the whole package! K?

Be proud for what you have! You have what you have. Don't be a sleazy fool without reading the fine print (both literally and metaphorically). This is not limited to sex either! (I hate saying that word more than I have to ) Remember, some guys are douchebags! Well, I guess everybody is a douchebag sometimes.

I'm not trying to turn anybody against anybody! I just want to teach what I have learned in some of the craziest of times!

Don't take the crap men give you! And if they persist in giving you trouble, either fight for your 1st Amendment (Remember that thing still exists?) or realize that they were never worth fighting for. Personally, I would demand for what I deserve NEVER GIVE UP!!!

"Have women not proven themselves yet? How arrogant can men be? To not give them a chance. Well, clearly they don't like surprises, an undoubtedly fantastic one. Men are still pretty neat creatures, but they are not world dominators. Humans IN GENERAL are!"

 ~Anonymous Interviewer

"Women are in the army, and are more than just teachers and housewives. They are much better than what media says they are. Give them a chance. Because change is good. Why not try it?"

~Anonymous Interview

 Reference: WikiHow: which is a bad source! Check it out! I pretty much disagreed with all of their suggestions, which were unconvincingly in the form of commands!  http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Feminist

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