My Bucket List

Hey fellow Nurds,

Here is my personal Bucket List. Sharing it with all of you and on here will keep me personally accountable for fulfilling all the items on the list, while you follow along on my journey. This has been continually updated since I was a child, so don't be surprised if you see some pretty childish items on here. So Voilà!
  1. Meet a British person
  2. Undergo sexual reassignment surgery
  3. Have my heart broken
  4. Be in a relationship
  5. Graduate with my undergraduate degree
  6. Go to graduate school at NYU
  7. Write/publish a novel
  8. Write/publish a song
  9. Co-write a novel with someone
  10. Co-write a song with someone
  11. Make my own recipe (and/or with pineapple)
  12. Have my first kiss
  13. Go to London, England
  14. Go to Paris, France
  15. Go to Spain
  16. Live in another country
  17. Study abroad
  18. Create a comic book series
  19. Be interviewed
  20. Write a movie script
  21. Work in an official lab setting
  22. Start a fashion empire
  23. Move in with my significant other or have him move in with me
  24. Get my own house with my own library and office
  25. Create a dress
  26. Create/design a fashion line
  27. Write in a diary every day
  28. Write a dream log for a year (but not necessarily every day)
  29. Take self-defense
  30. Get a purse ✔
  31. Make my own purse
  32. Wear makeup for a day
  33. Wear high heels ✔
  34. Get a studio apartment
  35. Have my own office
  36. Meet a huge celebrity that you've at least heard of
  37. Go through a revolving door
  38. Go on a date ✔
  39. Have children
  40. Eat at a fancy restaurant
  41. Stay over at a hotel
  42. Jump on hotel bed heavenly
  43. Ride in a limo
  44. Learn Spanish ✔
  45. Learn French
  46. Learn ASL
  47. Have a full conversation in Spanish ✔
  48. Have a full conversation in French
  49. Have a full conversation in ASL
  50. Write a song in Spanish
  51. Write a poem in Spanish
  52. Write a short story in Spanish
  53. Write a song in French
  54. Write a poem in French
  55. Write a short story in French
  56. Engineer/construct something high-tech
  57. Become a serious director
  58. Model in a runway fashion show
  59. Become a serious (executive) producer
  60. Become a serious actress
  61. Do yoga
  62. Do spinning ✔
  63. Learn to ride a bike ✔
  64. Learn to ride a skateboard
  65. Take hormones
  66. Make an important speech
  67. Plan/arrange an important event, especially one for charity
  68. Grade an AP exam
  69. Become a neuroscience professor
  70. Raise a chick or bird
  71. Write/publish some type of novella or short book
  72. Write a Christmas song
  73. Perform at a concert
  74. Do slam poetry ✔
  75. Do stand-up
  76. Write a book series
  77. Write for a tv show
  78. Write for a magazine
  79. Meet someone from Nickelodeon or Disney Channel from the early 2000s
  80. Successfully complete 25 art masterpieces
  81. Release an album
  82. Visit an art museum
  83. Go on a date to Chipotle
  84. Go on a date to a fancy restaurant
  85. Go on a date to a movie
  86. Get a massage at a bar
  87. Perform on Broadway
  88. Get surgery of some sort
  89. Get my first job ✔
  90. Make/sell a product
  91. Get more than 500 blog subscribers
  92. Create a Youtube channel
  93. Have my Youtube channel launch
  94. Raise/train a puppy
  95. Have a puppy/kitten get to know each other and become friends
  96. Take a subway
  97. Ride on an airplane
  98. Recycle regularly
  99. Wear an expensive dress/outfit
  100. Play tennis for realsies
  101. Write my autograph for someone
  102. Have a long-term boyfriend
  103. Have a girly BFF
  104. Have a long-term BFF
  105. Advocate for confidence/social justice/diversity
  106. Publish 5 New York Times bestsellers
  107. Give my childhood stuff to my kids
  108. Successfully raise ethical children
  109. Learn to play the ukulele
  110. Learn to play piano
  111. Learn to play saxophone ✔
  112. Make a short film
  113. Make a scrap book
  114. Meet my grandchildren
  115. Have girl-talk with my daughter
  116. Have down-time with all of my children
  117. Write a will
  118. Model in the rain with an umbrella
  119. Learn advanced photoshop
  120. Model in a patterned dress
  121. Pass on something valuable to my kids
  122. Build a bookshelf or something complex
  123. Be serenaded
  124. Be proposed to
  125. Be asked on a date ✔
  126. Go on a date to a carnival
  127. Kiss on a Ferris Wheel
  128. Sing at a wedding
  129. Create my own logo
  130. Design clothes/products with my logo
  131. Visit a country on business
  132. Be a bride's maid ✔
  133. Be Maid of Honor
  134. Decorate for Halloween/Christmas with my kids
  135. Knit a scarf
  136. Take calculus ✔
  137. Plan a fashion show
  138. Protest for something I'm passionate about
  139. Sing in a church choir regularly
  140. Be interviewed for a magazine
  141. Have one of my books be turned into a movie
  142. Play a song by ear
  143. Raise a ton of money for charity
  144. Make my own animal/eco-friendly clothing line
  145. Raise enough money to buy a grave stone for my grandmother
  146. Buy my aunt and uncle an extravagant gift
  147. Visit Time Square
  148. Ride in a taxi
  149. Engage in a snow fight
  150. Build a snowman
  151. Be in the snow
  152. Taste snow
  153. See the Statue of Liberty
  154. Win a crane machine ✔
  155. Get a Hello Kitty plush
  156. Eat whatever I want at a restaurant
  157. Be a regular at a restaurant, café, or any place
  158. Sing for a charity event
  159. Camp out for a movie premiere
  160. Design my own bedroom or office
  161. Attend an elegant  dance or event, especially with a handsome man
  162. Throw darts at paint-filled balloons
  163. Be swept off my feet
  164. get a laptop ✔
  165. Get a traveler's journal ✔
  166. Make a legit sculpture
  167. Learn how to use a sewing machine
  168. Be on the VIP guest list for something cool
  169. Be the guest of honor
  170. Advocate for ecological progress
  171. Portray a British person
  172. Meet someone with a French accent
  173. Teach English in Spain or México
  174. Get something opal
  175. Do a beach clean-up
  176. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  177. Volunteer for psychological research
  178. Go Christmas caroling
  179. Kiss under a mistletoe with a handsome man
  180. Make a dream catcher
  181. Meet my first niece or nephew
  182. Make a floral crown
  183. Meet someone I've inspired in some way
  184. Get perfume
  185. Go on a spontaneous date
  186. Go to a salon and get something done
  187. Go to a sleepover
  188. Have a man give me chocolates/flowers or something symbolic of our relationship
  189. Do laundry
  190. Call for a taxi and have it stop for me
  191. Be a vegetarian for a month
  192. Go to Boston Donuts
  193. Go to Marie Calendars
  194. Have a collection
  195. Have my own key and use it
  196. Try a soufflé
  197. Meet my doppelganger
  198. Interview a celebrity be on the front cover of a popular magazine
  199. Receive a plaque
  200. Receive a trophy
  201. Get a valuable locket
  202. Pass on a valuable jewelry item to someone special when I'm older
  203. Write my will and donate my body to science
  204. Meet a blind person
  205. Get lipstick ✔
  206. Get/wear boots ✔
  207. Get my own dress ✔
  208. Break a bone ✔
  209. Go to college ✔
  210. Get a scholarship ✔
  211. Code something cool ✔
  212. Graduate high school ✔
  213. Bake something ✔
  214. Pay a bill ✔
  215. Get a credit or debit card ✔
  216. Use a credit or debit card ✔
  217. Sign my signature for a document ✔
  218. Learn cursive ✔
  219. Get straight A's ✔
  220. Learn to ride a bike ✔
  221. Get a pet ✔
  222. Drink coffee ✔
  223. Learn multiplication/division ✔
  224. Pay for something on my own ✔
  225. See a nun in real life ✔
  226. Attend a funeral ✔
  227. Have hair that's at least 10 inches ✔
  228. Actually meet an Australian person ✔
  229. Get surgery of some sort ✔
  230. Get my first job ✔
  231. Meet a lesbian or someone gay ✔
  232. Get a laptop ✔
  233. Get a phone ✔
  234. Buy a legit beret ✔
  235. Get a legit Barbie ✔
  236. Earn more than $50 in one day ✔
  237. Do laundry ✔
  238. Try a Crème brûlée ✔
  239. Go to a protest ✔
  240. See a blind person in person ✔

*Subject to change*

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