09 June 2017

LGBTQ+ PRIDE MONTH | My Story | Pride Songs

So, as you may (or may not) know, June is PRIDE MONTH!! And while I could choose just any song for the returning Song of the Month, I didn't think that would fit the ticket. Fitting with the theme, I decided to just post this video by WatchMojo.com on Youtube instead to support our community and our Allies. Not many may consider Pride a holiday or even a month of celebration--particularly those not in the community--but LGBTQ+ peoples and our Allies are welcome to celebrate and what better place to start than by having some music, right?

Additionally, we think we may know a bit about LGBTQ+ history. I even thought I did and this was only debunked when I spent a weekend at UCLA for a Pride Admit weekend (for incoming LGBTQ+ students) and we played the very famous Kahoot with LGBTQ+ related questions that no one could really answer. It was pretty hysterical. With that said, here is another video by WatchMojo regarding some of the most significant events in LGBTQ+ history. It's pretty enlightening and interesting just to see that we've come a long way--from violence and drastic oppression to a standard of acceptance in society. We still have to overcome dangerous hazards and personal oppression maybe at work, at home, or whatever, but we as a world have gained acceptance, even despite some places in the world being more fundamentalist or extremist. People are going to disagree, but find a community (whether online or in your local area or school) where you are most happy; you'll need some environment to be there and support you when it may seem that others are not. Remember: most of the world is on your side. If you go to a pride parade, which you can find in many major cities, like L.A., you'll see a multitude of diverse faces of people in the community and our Allies who are with you. By going to the Women's March, I never knew that there were so many people that agreed with my ideology--many people of different shapes, sizes, shades, religious affiliations, gender identities, sexualities, disabilities, you name it! We're all here together. I support and love you!

Alright. If you guys are LGBTQ+ or somewhere in between and you are a little ambivalent about coming out or coming to terms with who you are, feel free to email me at funkynurd.aero@gmail.com so we can talk all about it. Everything will be completely confidential! I do an advice column on one of the blogs that I guest blog at, so this is like second nature. Additionally, I have my AA in Psychology, which doesn't say much, but I will also be getting my MS in Neuroscience, and with my personal experience and from witnessing other coming out stories (via Youtube and friends/family), I think I can help. I'm at a place in my life where I'm happier with my transition and LGBTQ+ identity. Being apart of this community is important. It demonstrates another aspect about yourself that makes you more and more unique. We all have our own paths to happiness and self-confidence, so I want you all to know that it's okay to take your time. No one should be pressured to come out.

Lastly, I want to tell you my coming out story . . . just not now . . . not yet. I am planning it though. I'll do a video and blog post on my transition with pictures and the whole shebang--but next June. It will be a year in the making. Since I am still transitioning, I felt it would make sense to see a complete transition during the next Pride month. Partially because that will require more time and dedication to acquire all the pictures and therapy and stuff, there is so much to say--from my discovering that I'm trans at the age of 3 or 4 to being in school to coming to terms with who I am, including depression and a hell of a lot more. I don't want my story to be all over the place. And, still, there's still so much I haven't experienced as a trans woman. I just know that UCLA will offer me the right resources to allow me to feel more in tune with myself and my body. 

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