30 June 2017

10 Skills Women Naturally Have that are Totes Badass!

Hey Nurds,

Sorry I did not get this up yesterday! I had a study session for my Multivariable Calc class, homework, sleep, and lounging about (as one does).  Regardless, here this is! It took quite a bit of time to plan out (and get the proper research/citations), but it is here--not that you were waiting for it.

Although some of these skills do not apply to all women or girls, they are typical in the female population due to cultural customs, genetics, or media/social norms

Men may be fantastic with their spatial skills, explaining why they are usually more successful in STEM fields, but women are generally so much better in a variety of areas that men may lack in. That is to say that there are biological and socio-cultural factors that influence these findings. Additionally, let's use these skills to our advantage and proudly display them. As the saying goes, "if you have it, flaunt it." That is to say that you aren't a douche about it, because, let's be real, the world already has enough douches. But too often are women too polite about how they feel that we often find it hard to accept compliments and think highly of ourselves even for a split second. But that's another discussion for another time! Onward!

Here are 10 skills that women naturally have that are totally BADASS!

1) Tend and Befriend: As women, we are more inclined to hear what each other has to say, offer guidance or advice, which may in part be due to oxytocin, which is a hormone associated with bonding; this is the hormone released after orgasm and labor, contributing to the affection and attachment women feel with their sexual/intimate partners and children, respectively. With that said, from a young age, girls are usually inclined to sit and talk out their feelings or talk in general. This might be due to social norms in which women are often seen staying in the house, not engaging in mischievous or adventurous games. Men, on the other hand, are more often than not more likely to socially withdraw as they turn to alcohol or competitive behaviors. Insert your mental image of a man in a bar here. So if you're you feel more comfortable talking to a female--a mom, aunt, therapist, whomever--this kinda explains this! No wonder women seem so comforting and assuring to be around!

Image result for the color purpleImage result for steel magnoliasImage result for movies of women banding togetherImage result for big little lies

2) Olfaction (smelling sense): Women naturally have better olfaction than men for whatever reason. Did someone call Cat Woman or what?On various tests , women seem to outperform men on detecting where and what they are smelling. Researchers from the University of São Paulo, the University of California, San Francisco, and the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo found that women have 43-50% more neurons in their olfactory bulbs than men.

3) Leading and Running Businesses | The International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics concluded that female-led companies are more successful than those led by men, because women tend to "make more fairer decisions than men." That said, women are trained and predisposed to evaluate more possible solutions (divergent thinking), considering the pros and cons and making better investments that work to for the wellbeing of the company.

4) Organization | No surprise here. I think this is an understatement.

5) Empathy | It's no wonder why women are so understanding. . . . . Brain studies reveal that women don't exactly have more mirror neurons than men; however, their mirror neurons are fired or more active than those of men. And in social settings, women are more often than not, .  . . .

6) Seeing colors | This trait is biological, being linked to the X-chromosome, and considering the fact that most women have two of them, we're more in-tune with interpreting and seeing colors in all of the arrays and variations. I mean, how women do you know that know several types of blue, purple, and green (e.g. teal, royal blue, baby blue, red-violet,, lavender, fuchsia, magenta, lime green, mint, aqua, etc.)?

7) Avoiding narcissistic tendencies | Okay, this may seem unlikely considering the role of women in reality television who are all almost exclusively narcissistic (let's not even get into the Kardashians right now XD); however, a research study reveals that most of the "interpersonal dysfunctions"that characterizes narcissistic personality disorder are demonstrated by men. That said, men are also more likely to fall victim to the disorder, though we're still trying to understand why that is the case.

8) Driving | Here is a data table from a research study showing the vast differences between female and male drivers in the United States--and likely debunking some beliefs you thought were true.
The 'Privilege driving coefficient' - How the sexes fared
Appropriate speed approaching hazards55%75%
Stopping safely at amber traffic lights44%85%
Negative impact on other drivers73%54%
Adequate indication82%96%
Adequate use of mirrors46%79%
Effective observation (e.g. checking blind spot)82%71%
Driving too close to the vehicle in front27%4%
Staying within the speed limit86%89%
Appropriate speed for the situation64%64%
Steering / Control of the vehicle100%96%
Cutting corners when turning68%43%
Talking or texting on the phone while driving24%16%
Cutting dangerously in to traffic14%1%
Causing an obstruction on the road25%16%
Total co-efficient (max 30)19.823.6
Source: Privilege Insurance

9) Multitasking | Stereotypically, the woman is seen as taking care of multiple household chores and tedious activities simultaneously. It turns out that women are actually capable of multitasking better than men, but not as exaggerated as dear Spongebob below. According to the authors of a 2013 study, female participants worked faster and were better at organizing and handling multiple tasks--especially when they worked together or in a co-ed group. I'm not sure if it's because of the social norm that women are meant to please, but keep it up, ladies!

Image result for spongebob multitasking gif

10) Resilience and Pain Tolerance | Check out this MythBusters video below, wherein male and female participants were asked to submerge their hands in icy, cold water. As you will see, women were able to keep their hands in longer than the men, suggesting that women have a higher tolerance to pain. But then there's the argument of whether giving birth or getting kicked in the nuts is more painful. That will also be provided below in an ASAP science video.

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