02 June 2017


So peeps,

I am back, and I'm sure you all missed me (*crickets*). Nonetheless, I have been busy with my studies, as expected. To catch you all up to speed, I have been busy graduating high school and community college simultaneously, which, as you can expect, is not an easy feat. It's like being pregnant, eating for two (or in Octomom's case, nine).

The food may seem irresistible and you may not be exactly dissatisfied with eating more (I mean, who would?), but at the end of the day, it's a lot of work--watching what you consume for the sake of the health of the baby/babies. That's what my life has been like for the last, well, who could count [years/months]? Needless to say, I went to two schools and did twice the amount of work as my peers on top of my rocky personal life, extracurriculars, volunteering, and work--just so I could be one step closer to my idea of success and happiness. 

So you might be wondering Why did you actually put yourself through all of that stress? Or you might not be wondering that; I won't be offended--I promise *I say as I jeer and glare at you*

Well, the answer is not simple, but one thing I do not shy away from is revealing some of my personal life and thoughts to you all. I may not exactly be journalistic, but I do because blogging is a stratosphere by which I share an aspect of myself somewhat therapeutically among you and I. Although some aspects may be too personal for me to reveal or uncomfortable to publish, to say the least, just know that blog is a safe space. Period. 

So to answer the damn question. Again, there's not a damn simple answer. I have a lot of passions and I mean a lot! So much so that it would not be feasible to finish college in the four years so many of us strive to achieve. I recently graduated high school and community college, as I said, graduating with an AA in Psychology, which will help me with a degree in Neuroscience. Some time in the two years it took to achieve such a feat, and the following summers, though, I will return to community college because there is still SO MUCH to learn. I genuinely love learning!! I do. I won't limit myself to Neuroscience because that is just one of my passions (more on that in a future post; in fact, I'll do a complete post on ALL of my passions, because, well, that will be quite a treat to read). I will explore and have explored journalism, creative writing, theater/film, Spanish, and French (and then some). 

Additionally, there have been some push-backs on my stepping stones. Yes, I have been flattened (as flat as Flat Stanley) by gigantic rolling balls in my journey to an excavated tunnel reflective of an Indiana Jones flick only to plop back and return to my three-dimensional self--resilient, intelligent, and optimistic. As I said, I will not shy away from what I've been through: Depression (A Comeback--coming soon in a theater near you), OCD, and Misophonia diagnoses. Atop the death of my very special uncle whom I have lived with all of my life, I guess depression was the most intervening in my life as I would always long for my happiness to arrive. I longed for happiness and the life I have always wanted; however, success cannot show up at your front door like a tall, dark, and handsome prince charming in a cliché rom-com--at least not with hard work and yes, struggle. 

I lost hope and my optimism dwindled to seed of a dried up grape--a raisin of sorts. As a usually optimistic person, I had the life drained out of me, so much so that I'd always find myself in endless cycles of disappoint--to my family and most importantly, to myself. This I won't get into right now. I guess I'm not ready. Please give me that.

I couldn't handle this cycle and constant disappointment, but now that it is all over, I have more to look forward to: return to THIS LOVELY BLOG, a completion of my novels (more on that another time), more poems, songs, and short stories. Oh, and did I mention the fact that I will be attending UCLA this fall? Oh yeah, that happened. I will talk about the whole application process and all that jazz in my next post!! Getting in was an assurance that my disappointments were still successes in some weird way. Trust me, I'm talented at stressing myself out, so knowing that I am closer to my goals was worth it!

I wouldn't have gotten through this whirlwind (I think that's Pigeot's ability, right?) without my best friend, Delaney, who you can catch on her Tumblr

Here she is on the left at her last band banquet ever of high school.
She is so profound; a real gift, an entity that got me through what I hope was the worst. Our friendship is indescribable (well, it actually is, but I don't want to gush). Let's just say that we reinforce each other; we really motivate each other, even inadvertently, and she always manages to make me worst days brighter, even if that sounds cliché.

Expect a new post every Friday from this point forward because I AM BACK!! DEAL WITH IT!!! XD

With lots of love,

Joss Glenn

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