23 June 2017

My "Type" of Guy

Okay, here we go!

Let's get into this: So as you may or may not know, I've been writing letters to my future husband for a while now, long before the song (shout-out to my girl, Meghan Trainor!) came out. And although it may seem that I'm writing to no one, I know that perhaps someone will read these letters in the future, assumedly my future husband. Granted, I'm probably going to have like seven future ex-husbands so there's a possibility more than one man is going to be reading these letters, so I 

In terms of physical appearance, I don't really expect a physical or phenotypical persona, because, honestly, I do not know who I'll end up with, or what he'll look like. And quite, frankly I don't really explicitly discriminate against anyone. Have I liked or been attracted to Asian, African-American, Hispanic? Yes! And white men, amongst other types of people, as well as men of different ages (I'm talking about you, Anderson Cooper! ; )), body sizes, and, yes, sexualities. And, I'm not going to lie, I do prefer young, white and Hispanic people in appearance, but personality wins, proving to be the factor that helps eliminate the odds of the "many fish in the sea" that I should be with. I'm also guilty of being attracted to more gay men than straight men, because well, Anderson Cooper.

Hair color shouldn't make a difference, nor perchance, he has some disability. So physical appearance aside, I just hope that he has a personality, humor, respect (especially for the underdogs, such as myself, and especially of different cultures, women, and the LGBTQ+ community), integrity, and commitment. Commitment is a big one; if you're not committed to you career, ambitions, and family, I won't even consider you as a potential partner. Oh, and someone who really cares about their health, friends, and family. Hopefully, I can learn a lot from this person--about life, friendship, and whatever comes my way.

I would like for my future husband to have ambitions in life and some sort of talent--something that would adventures more memorable. I'm not into that whole "opposites attract" philosophy; it may work, but I'd rather have someone who shares the same ideology as me; we may not be in the same industries and have the same career goals, but as long as we share the same fundamental values, I'm a happy woman.

But I don't know. Only time will only know who I end up with and when . . .

I know this was all over the place, but seriously, what's your type? Let me know in the comments below!

On that note, I love you and #alllivesmatter , especially #blacklives matter, #blm

Until next Friday!!!

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