10 September 2015

Wear the Cape: Being Bold!

Happy Friday Nurds!

To put a little flare this week than I usually do (what do I usually do?), I put a capital letter in "Nurds" for really no particular reason at all than to be a little more distinct. Ironic 'cause making the word, "Nurd" is bold in itself. Making this blog, I decided that I wanted to identify as the exterior mold of clay--conforming and always malleable, but distinct despite all of the mold that encompasses me. Nurd defines me pretty well: a nurd with flare or geek chic if you will.

4 ores on chimes = the perf hair chandelier
Have you had that moment as a seven-year-old when you ask your parents to wear your Cinderella dress to school or you simply show them, wherein the laugh and give you every reason in the book, pulling the "no" card, as parents do? Or for our male audiences here, have you wanted to wear the Spiderman or Batman costume out and about and in public? 

I woke up from my nap on a long Thursday from school, which is almost unfathomable to take naps when homework is always nailing you in the shin, and I mean ALWAYS, and read my feed from Elle and realize that it's that time of year for New York Fashion Week (Excited? Yeah, I thought so.). I read several articles, one including Leona Lewis' new album, which she released on her own without a recording company to support her. Talk about Badass! Another article vaguely describes the hype of NYFW and then BOOM! Seeing the models on the runway inspired me to wear whatever the hell I want today! 

Living in Southern California doesn't call for boots and winter pajama pants, so wearing so doesn't only seem uncomfortable in the recently 104-degree weather, but I decided to give this a shot! I like to classify myself as bold and daring, which might give people the impression upon hearing "bold" and "daring" that I'm an overconfident disaster at hand. Let's just say, I would like "bold" and "daring" to define me any day. I wouldn't ever want to think of myself as overconfident because what's there to preen about? I'm as average as the next person, with more or less advantage in my life than others, but I'm not stellar. And disaster? I may identify as bold and daring, but I'm still entirely insecure, too! Insecurity and confidence go hand-in-hand. You can't be confident without being insecure, because boldness fosters that extra push. So Disaster, I have my life together and know exactly where I'm going in life! 

To be quite honest, I was a little hesitant because my AP Calc professor, who I've had for nearly four years, is quite judgmental that he's not even subtle when he criticizes me. He does so to the point where he's "discreetly" staring at me, while I'm trying to evaluate math problems that nearly no one needs in their lives. Fun, huh? I get an A on an impossible quiz to pass and have done considerably well these last three years that he's known me as a student and he decides to make me feel like a targeted and insecure person in a masquerade? I wouldn't take it! So I nonchalantly walked into his class, ready for a lecture, wherein there was some staring and the teeth-gritting that he does, but I was confident to wear the cape because I wanted to wear it. Wearing this cape actually brought some encouragement and compliments that staring and teeth-gritting don't seem to have the power to overcome. 

To not stray from the whole Cinderella and Spiderman concept,  I realize that we should just let kids where what they want to wear. I mean telling them not to wearing an attention-grabbing and clearly distinct costume (without much reason, I might add) gives them to impression not to stand out. Like, what's wrong with  standing out? But that's how kids think, making them grow up caring about peoples' judgment without marching to their own people a little once in a while. We've grown like that, so a little call to action to us future parents out there: little the kid wear their damn costume! Okay! They'll learn from their own mistakes, so don't make them feel like another ball of clay, when they're still part of the same mold. And who knows, they might come home tired from entertaining people with "their" powers, right before Halloween, which means more candy for yourself than you give to others! Score!

Let's be Nurds together! Shall we?


And what better way to celebrate boldness than KT Tunstall's "Fade Like a Shadow" to add color to this glorious Friday!

PS: My attire was actually unbearable to wear in the 100-degree weather, but hey, lesson learned. 
PSS: Nah, lesson NOT learned! I'll totes do this again and continue to die in unbearable heat! Challenge accepted ; )
PSS: Those who've passed will not be forgotten! God Bless! I hope Heaven is all I hope it is, and more!

Follow me on Twitter: @JLiL_Aero

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