30 June 2013

If You Wanna

Feel free to check out the new and improved tabs at the top
of the page.
Also, I wanna see the results of the polls at the left.
Here, I'm kinda forcing you,
so do it!

Canadian Craze

If my face and my words don't get you amped this week, then what will?

News report: Recently, I met a Canadian whose named will not be exposed out of their personal preferences. While explaining their past, they claim that they were born in southern Canada,  where, I hear, it is near some parts of what they call "The U.S--eh?"

Hearing this, I then said the following in what we now call Over-Xtreme-Excitment (OXE), "Really? You're from Canada. You're Canadian?! I'm fascinated with Canadians" with hands over mouth, I then asked, " Sorry to ask, but can you say the word l 'about' for me!" 

The Canadian responded, The Canadian way or the American way?"

"Well,"  JLiL thought, "Why would I want to hear the American way when it's too common?" 

So, then Canadian said "Aboot!" Ha, ha---aboot? Fwew! Oh Canadians!

And then walked away disturbed by the thought of the question and in fear and confusion!

I'm __________________ on Channel 7 news. Back to you __________.

Hostess Twinkies

      Gotta love 'em twinkies, cuz hey, what's at my door? TWINKIE SUPREME!!!

      Hostess has just announced that their wonderful Twinkies--and other equally delicerous cakes will be re-stocked in stores as soon as July 15th. I'm, well, drunk for Twinkies, in fact, it was my grandma's favorite, before she died. Yup. = 7 .

21 June 2013

Summer Solstice

Hey, it's me the one true person who enjoys ruining weekends. YAY!!! So, I guess I'm doing my job.
Well, I guess today is Summer Solstice! Do something memorable, cuz "it's only here once a year!" Kiss a hobo, fit in a picnic, but I, however, have no life, therefore will blog and do other internet things! X l> (Mwha haa haa-devious) So yeah, but prepare for a really long day, as it is known to seem very long. So doing something, memorable is probably the most ideal thing to do instead of sitting on the couch watching the Lifetime channel, watching, "Women Who Kill", which if you know, is a channel and show for divorced women who cry on their couches with tissues and lots and lots of chocolates.

I, however, will be on the internet and feel like I'm doing more, when I'm not!

Have fun dancing with hobos!

17 June 2013

No Offense, Shakespeare!

No offense, Shakespeare, but your words suck crap! Again, no offense. "To be or not to be-that is the question!" Hey, bro, have you heard of the phrase "the harder the words, the harder the slap"? Instead, why couldn't you have said, "Should I or should I not live"? But seriously, no offense, but someone's gonna get pushed down a hill!!! What obscure question would you have then, huh?
By the one and only,

10 June 2013

So, Remember That Thing?

So, remember that blog that I loved so dearly? Well, how do I put this delicately? It just got better! YaY!!! Blog power of the internet------!
The Random Ranterer has just changed her URL to
theawkward-ness.blogspot.com, which means she didnt' really just redesign, just her URL, so YaY!!! Just look at my favorite list of blogs and click the link. It's that easy!!!
Go to it, but remember socially awkward people are contagious!!! Don't catch it this season!!!

04 June 2013


Ignore the fact that this guy may be at
your doorstep tomorrow!!!

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