13 January 2018

Confidence, Resolutions, & New Changes

New year, new you. 

Yeah, this might sound cliché because you're still the same you, but different, changed. Let's make this year, and every year to come, the year where you inch your way to your dream life and dream you. What have you always wanted to be like? What have you always wanted? Do you imagine yourself with a thinner frame? New sense of fashion? New romance? More money?

I can't find the answers for you even if I wanted to, which, admittedly, I probably don't because, well, I have my own life and you have yours. If finding the answers involves paying someone--a therapist, a mountebank, someone--so be it, so long as you find the answers, something you may not know that you were looking for.

Find confidence by putting in effort into making progress and maintaining goals, confidence in your abilities (that's to say, what YOU KNOW you're capable of doing).
From A Cinderella Story | Source: Pinterest

Sometimes you just have to make a change or decision, whether required by, say, doctor's orders, or otherwise. Do what's best for you, but also keep in mind that you should do what you want. They may seem contrary, but I'm sure you can find a healthy balance somehow. I'm sure it also sounds easier said than done and I don't claim to know your circumstances but I know that something can be done in any situation that deserves more than passivity. So consider your options, consider what you can do and what you can't. Again, you'll find somewhere in between. 

Find your strength to make said changes and incorpate these changes each day and don't stop. You'll find that, after much practice, these tedious tasks and changes become much easier to handle and, in fact, much more perfunctory and habitual. 

And although I'm no baseball or softball buff, "never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game". Life is no game, but similar to the quote, don't let the negatives in your life, the forces that bring you down and prevent you from making changes, keep you from making these changes. 

Best wishes, Nurds.


Joss Lila Glenn

P.S. I haven't posted within the past few weeks because I started school again for winter quarter. I have a job, five classes, multiple extracurriculars, and I'm just trying to manage it all. All on top of the fact that I've been making changes here and there on the blog itself.

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