22 June 2014

Songs of the Month

Hello, it is officially almost two days after The Color Run. I was so psyched to be there! And you'll get slither of how my experience went soon. And by soon, I mean when they actually send to my email, because with all this excitement, I just want to enjoy sharing my experience with you ASAP, but now there's a delay.

Since it is Summer (this shouldn't be capitalized, but I "say I'm a rebel" (you'll understand the ","'s soon!), I finally have time to listen to some of my favorite song artists. I think it's kinda ideal to love one song, and explore other songs from the artist or band who sang it. I finally get to explore! I never got to think that this is My Summer of Exploration, like in the books you read and movies you watch.

I'm such a girly girl when it comes to songs. Let me see, I have my playlist about #Love and one about songs that make me feel like I'm in New York. I listen to this playlist at Starbucks, 'cause, well Starbucks is much like any café in and of itself in New York. Oh, and I also have a playlist from songs in my childhood, which I absolutely love to listen to to reminisce or to find a muse for my stories and artwork (JSYK: I'll be posting one of my drawings in the near future ; )

And I also have my Summer Playlist which has expanded in size over the recent years. Check it out by clicking the glowing link!

So  this week, I fell in immense love for Andy Grammer and Ellie Goulding, constantly repeating Andy's (ya hear: we're already besties) song, Crazy Beautiful and Ellie's song, Human. As you can probably tell, I'm a little behind music wise, but I'm gradually catching up.

Grammer's song just has a soft, and smooth tension to it that just makes me feel like hugging him. Crazy Beautiful pretty much describes how "cra-crazy beautiful", "strange, strange, and wonderful" his girl is regardless of her mediocre and seemingly minor flaws. That's reassuring, right?

Grammer's songs never seem to disappoint me, because his songs are on the verge of being realistic enough for me to not hate his songs. After hearing it, I'm sure you would agree that he would be the perfect Summer BF for you! And he hasn't been arrested in the public eye yet, so that's reassuring if you can't stand him!

And Ellie's song, Human, allows the reader to empathize with how hard it can be to fit in, but not necessarily the way one would actually relate to. I'm sure the song is depicting her as a robot or other intricate creature that. like Pinocchio, wants to be a "real" human. Despite her already being alive, she doesn't function with a heart or other organs like all other tangible creature we see on a daily basis.

Don't you feel for her? I certainly do. I mean, every one creature: a dog, snail, Pikachu, human, even wants one thing or another, but to want something that you want unconditionally, but can't, is surely something I can't even bear with at all, if it is that important!

I just love how the verses just slide along the musical scale. And when she hits those high notes, BOOM! Flawless! I however, don't like how she just repeats the chorus, like in any typical song. I guess that's just how a chorus goes, right? But seriously, the chorus was a turn-off as it kept repeating.

On a side note: Once I'm obsessed with a song, I have to sing to it, so if you're not a "lyrics"-type person, then, uh, deal with it! Seriously, there aren't any official music videos that I know of yet.

I hope you agree with what everything. If you don't feel free to comment. I'll make sure to reply!!^=^

14 June 2014


My dear friend Delaney offered me to register for The Color Run. Me being completely oblivious, I had no idea what the flip-flop she was talking about. I was wondering what correlation there was between various colors and running.
She mentioned that people join to run (or walk if you're walk-ity) about 5k and throw colors at each other. It's truly amazing and hey, I haven't been there and I know that it's going to be a heck lot of fun (and rainbows, check the pic below and you'll know what I mean!)

In chase you do not know me, I was born to run. After doing Cross Country freshman year, I realized that it is not the perfect thing for me to do every day. Ya know: coming home only to fall asleep sweaty and tired and slacking on homework! Yeah, let's just say running everyday wasn't at the top of the pinnacle for this mad person, but I do enjoy running by myself to clear my and think to myself. Other times, I run to the park and read a good book or continue writing (i.e. songs, novels, short stories, poems, etc.)

So after her including that there would be free attire, like shirts, sweat bands, and color powder, I decided it hecks yeah! It would be extraordinarily fun! (Side note: I try using other adjectives besides "good", "great", or "cool" because life would be a whole lot better when you are not just using the same three words to express enthusiasm).

So this here old Color Run will be here in Los Angeles next Saturday June 21st. I think registration has discontinued, but don't frump like your lazy gray and white-bellied cat, because it is annual and very umm blinding, so bring your sunglasses in case you get a little color in your precious eyes. Oh yeah, and it will most likely be sunny so don't hesitate to bring water (and don't forget the shades!)

If you're are feeling a little woozy stay clear and in site on the right will the runners take the left. Always be careful to stick with your team.(my team name is the Fugly Moonicorns XD) or not, it is totally up to you. I can not stress it enough, but plan what you want to do, where you want to meet, and what time! Seriously!!!

There is a Lost 'n Found center for lost items or if someone is lost, just meet up in the front center and they'll call someone in your team to pick you up ^.^

And if you have a little pocket dough, feel free to support the Children's Hospital of Orange County. If you think for a minute about how your childhood was, whether good or bad, consider helping a child's life a bit, contributing towards their futures that you guys have right now!!! Just consider it, I definitely do it!

Check-In Party: Pick-ups (Food....)

Pick-ups for uniforms, more info, etc will be at the Color Run site itself. The call it a party, but I'm not sure if there's food involved. This will be held next Thursday and Friday (the pre-Color Run days that I'll be screaming for incessantly, by the end of the week, I'll talk like Emma Stone--love ya Emma!)

Questions? Please contact there customer service representatives by clicking here.
Thursday 6/19/2014 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 6/20/2014 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Or if you have a few Q's for me, don't hesitate, I don't have a life, Haha!!!


I'm going to be completely honest, virtually nobody is reading this, and yeah, I'm pretty sure of that! In case someone out there is actually reading this, I'm Joss.

Now that we have been officially acquainted, I wanted to add that although it is amazing to know that someone not limited to your select group of friends is listening to you (cuz trust me, that seems spectacular) it doesn't matter who or how many people are following you. I totally get it, so-and-so has 11,018 followers and that just seems so perfectly extreme, right, to know that so-and-so is so popular? I'm the type of person to deny being popular. But yeah, I had a followers thingy for people to follow this blog and was ashamed to find that only 6 people or less were listening to what I had to say. I had been longing for a "bigger crowd", not just 6 people! You can laugh now. I am, right now!


I just considered like less than an hour ago that the number of followers should absolutely not make me feel shameful or lousy, that's just Mr. Negative hoping to ruin me! One person, none, or a hundred are fine with me, seriously! I want anyone reading my blog to have a pleasurable time, leave a message, and I'll respond, cuz I truly wanna blog like for the same reasons that you want to read your favorite magazine.

Blogging, or just writing in general is calming and inspiring to me. Writing just has so many, uhhh, obscure (yeah, I'll use this word) aspects to it. Everything changes, everywhere, every second, and we can never change our pasts, so that right there, is the perfect layout to blog just about whatever, and right whatever! Besides writing and blogging, it try to squeeze in a bit of time to just read. I desperately need to catch up  on my reading, because, like musical artists/bands, there is just so much to read ranging from a manuscript (which I enjoy reading until I get to the instructions), recipes, menus, playwrights, blog or social media posts, movie summary, it's (ahh *I need a breather*) just endless!

Personally, I am an aspiring writer, journalist, and graphic designer. In case you are new to this blog, I try to incorporate my own artwork via Photoshop or Picmonkey on here, because it's fun to explore art and writing. If your daring, try painting a mural or writing a movie script. It's not easy, but I am ready for just about any constructive criticism, because the positive thing I find about constructive criticism is that it is in, and of itself, supposed to you better!

On heel to my "followers" synopsis, I just feel that it is not necessary to see the number of people following, rather I would just love to read you input/comments to make my day! All of this is just a result of me taking a turn in my confidence. I have gradually become more spontaneous, and you can probably tell from the language of my very first blog post! With confidence, I just want to know that there is a positive to every negative and if you can't find one, look harder through that dark haystack, because you'll find it eventually?

...and just cuz every word deserves a picture

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