24 May 2015

Summer Reads and Plans: 2015

I can't express saying summer enough!

Well now that it is officially Summer, why not be daring, darling?! Be fierce

What I have brought up for you readers include some of the best things I have ever planned in my entire life so far. So thus far, this will be the best summer for me!

Late May: Apply for my childhood Dream Job
A job is a job, and to be honest, I'm glad that the manager is giving me an interview, but my childhood dream job means nothing to me now. But, hey it's just for the summer, and I desperately need money (I mean who doesn't right?) In case you don't know, I plan to attend NYU (which doesn't mean Naked Yellow Unicorn!!!) and trust me when I say that it is not going to be easy, so yeah, I don't mind boring myself during my shifts, cuz after all, it is only is temporary! I don't know what I saw in that job!

Sundays: Also known as my reading days, I just want to go to my local park and read my Summer Picks on a Swing. Besides that I option, I wouldn't mind sitting on a street bench, writing, while glimpsing at cars and a passerby or two enjoy their beginning of summer. Likely, I'll be binge watching on my fave (or not so fave) shows and movies and blogs (on Bloglovin)

Mondays-Thursdays: Unfortunately, I have goals and sometimes I want to shoot myself for putting an overload on myself, but soon, it will take me far, I hope. I mean, I'm definitely not going to stop when I have doubts! That will just give me all the more reasons to persevere!!! Basically, I have summer assignments for my AP/Honors courses and as I planned, I will finish my work by the end of July. But when I finish my work during these days, then I can continue my Sunday work (Happiness and rainbows on the inside), which is my goal--to just relax! I work far too hard, yet  summer is all about resting and I intend to take advantage of that before I start paying the dreaded bills!

On occasional days, I'll be taking classes to master some Drawing/Painting skills and Music Theory!

Fridays and Saturdays: Still, more work load, just less extensively, thank goodness! Nothing specific besides my morning runs and Sprintz drinks after I run. Oh and a little treat at Starbucks for a great week. Catch a new blog post on these days--every other Friday or Saturday.

Fridays and Saturdays may also be those days in which comfort and confidence transpire, amping to continue writing my novels! In addition, I'll be reading every book of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series; I love the two movies and am eager to read for eager again!! I also intend to teach myself coding and ukulele!

If you recommend any books, please leave a comment below and give me some blushies!

Why bore you with my summer plans? What do you dare doing this summer? 

Ya might catch me at the Color Run in LA or at a STEM (Science. Technology. Mathematics. Engineering) conference early June. ; )

02 May 2015

Good Morning, Loves!

Here's to unusual Spring, lovely spring (and beginning May), and all that there is for hope!
 Soon check out my summer plans in mid-May, as I'm still studying for my 4 AP exams for two weeks more. Wish me luck! I am not hoping for luck (though I would totally steal some if you had it =P) cuz as I learned the hard way, it doesn't exist (curse AP Psych for ruining my childhood, but besides that, Psych is the best class I have ever had so far, because it has answered many years of question!) 

I am just hoping that all of the social seclusion and incessant studying (well, not incessant; let's be realistic here!) have paid off, because I don't wanna retake an exam only to pay extra money and restudy the material on top of the six exams that I'm taking next year!I've been practically studying from winter vacation with a bit of a hiatus (kinda like I've had with blogging, hahaha on my part).

My exams consist of: AP Psychology, my possible major (May 4th); AP European History, pointless class to me, consisting of an ass-oholic and sexist teacher whom I've rarely listened (fathered argued with) and benefited through self study (May 8th); AP World History, well, a class I'm not enrolled in, but self-studying included most elements of European History, so I thought, "what the hell" (May 14th); and AP Human Geography, a class taught last year by my current AP Psych teacher and connected all history to society, politics, intellect, and culture, economics (SPICE); I took the exam last year by got the lowest score possible due to insufficient studying (even though I had all the resources possible!), fostered by overconfidence (since I had an A in the class) (May 15th).

If I'm not dead by the 15th of May, I'll mention those summer plans that I mentioned earlier. Again, a lot to hope for in life, positive and negative, as both pave roads to success and general generativity.
To commemorate lovely April (which by the way, consisted of three consecutive days filled with a birthday of my sister , a proposal--not to me--but to my eldest sister, and a 30-year wedding anniversary of my parents), here are three lovely songs!

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