03 April 2015

How To: 6 Ways to Survive Awkward | Part 2

Let's be serious--again--we've all had our moments, yes? So grab a cup of joe and sit crisscross because here are 6 tips to avoid da moments we don't feel our best.
In continuation of Part 1, here is Part 2 (duh!)

1) Laugh it Off

Nothing says confidence better than letting the situation go! Think about it, everybody has awkward moments--even thee most charismatic people!!! Again, what is more attractive than confidently shying away from what seems like the inevitable? Maybe even your crush will be impressed?

2) Remember: The moment is the now, and later, you'll laugh about your then nerves.

3) Change the subject to a "brighter" time, like a time of past scarring moments

You're not exactly making yourself embarrassed more if people are laughing about something else, right? Plus, bringing up another embarrassing moment (beside the present) definitely shifts gears and sparks up new topics and ideas to discuss, hopefully in someone else's favor!

4) Don't Don't Don't Turn the Tables!!!

Just don't! In life it's important to know that we have flaws; you don't need to shame someone when you're at such a position. i)It leads not only to conflict, but more unwanted embarrassment. ii) You will have your share times of embarrassment and so will they, so just let your time pass, please and thank you. iii) You will laugh it off later as a dumb decision, depending on the severity of the occasion.

5) Get over it, but take your time.

Like in any occasion, take your time and pace yourself. Who knows, maybe someone else will feel the burn, or maybe everyone will get over it faster than you think. That'd be great...
Whether, it's a relationship, or an impeccably atrocious blunder, you can taste the sweet cough syrup and get over step by step. Chances are, people may forget about it over time, and you may just sound crazy bringing it up in the future. Because in the future, it may matter as important landmark in your life, or something to josh about to cheer a peer or loved one up!
Think about it!

6) And, when worse comes to worst, embarrass yourself more!

At such a point why does it matter, right? You've already embarrassed yourself to feel the sensation that now you know that at least there could be worse.
Personally, I've had those moments when I just couldn't shut up! Golly, what could be more embarrassing, right? Seriously! You ramble and ramble to find your conversationee disinterested, then you hit a point when you've absolutely insulted the man! Talk about inopportune and inappropriate! In these moments I probably wouldn't hesitate to scarf an entire cake down my mouth before realizing that there is a brighter side.

*Now although some of these tips contradict each other in some ways, they are found to be effective in my life and think about it, some are just sensible! ; ) (My whole life is a contradiction :*{ )*

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