22 September 2017

My Summer Reflection

Me putting my belongings in a cart
to move into my dorm

Was this a summer well spent?

Well, let's see. I'm going to digress (I'm very talented at that), so bear with me.

It's finally autumn (YaY!!) and if you look back at my summer plans, you can see some things I had anticipated on doing this summer. I understand that now that my summer is ending, my summer has kind of overdone its stay. I know that I should appreciate that I have an extended summer as opposed to people who may not even have a summer or people who start school earlier, but I also just want to move in and start school, so. . . . In all seriousness, having the extra time and starting school essentially in late September has allowed me to dedicate more time to blogging and filling my time with an extra summer session.

I won't go into the grades that I got for each class, because, firstly, that's not relevant (what's that going to achieve), and secondly, I know that I personally did well and that's all anyone needs to know; I didn't do the best that I could do, but I know that I had good intentions and definitely doubted why I was being so hard on myself a lot of the time. I know that it's all worth it. I'm already here at UCLA and I'm not going to blow it; I worked really hard to get here and I love the environment that to lose it all would be a pathetic mistake.

Last Saturday, I had my first party ever. Coming from a lower-middle class family, I never really had a "party" in the traditional American culture sense, with friends and balloons and such. I've typically only had family parties and nothing more, but last Saturday, I had friends, family, and friends of my family celebrate me, which felt like an honor. I've never felt so celebrated as I did that day; I'm humbled to know that I have a great environment and group of people who care about my well-being, future, and livelihood.
My bed

We had tons of food my family could hardly afford and a good turn-out. I received wonderful gifts that will last me my entire university experience, including school supplies and any dorm/home necessities. I'm fully equipped. 

And now I look forward to the new mysteries of the new school year and the opportunities and possibilities that come my way. Although, undoubtedly, I'm expected to face some terrible barriers. I know I have some pretty awesome friends and family to support me. 

I've written quite a lot this summer, which is more than I have written for pleasure this summer than in the past four years. Especially within the past few weeks, I've written quite a bit of poetry and music, both of which I will continue (undoubtedly) within the next few months and years. Since I have the liberty and environment to foster my interests, I'm going to write to my heart's content, giving it an equal priority as my studies and work. 
the cork wall beside my bed

My desk

Good news, though, is that I moved in several days ago and now I'm settling in and navigating around campus, eating gloriously stupendous food! You can see from the pix above that I'm considerably happy--actually happy, something I haven't felt in a long ass while.

My side of the room
In other news, last Friday kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month, so I hope to go to quite a few Hispanic celebrations going on at UCLA and attending a few Hispanic-unity seminars, get-togethers, and social events.

Has this been an eventful summer? Yes, absolutely unforgettable. Was it the best? Probably not, but I've been through a lot and I've gotten a lot accomplished in this summer. I should be more proud of myself than I am.

How was your summer? Let me know!

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