15 July 2017


Hey Nurds!!

I had a blog post created for the day, but it wasn't quite finished and there would need to be some time to finish it, so I thought I might want to create a relatively short post this week, which should be a relief to all of you because I can write and type--A LOT!! With that said, I have finals and I'll just publish that post next week, after my finals end.

In other news, I'll be coding a unicorn by which I hail unilords. Yes, I did say unilords and I worship them pretty hard. There actually a huge part of the animal dynamic of this blog. In fact, I'm think about making this blog more animal-oriented and create a page with several animals and their whole purpose on the blog.

As you may know, pandas are pretty huge on here, but I'll be switching the whole panda theme to a red panda theme (in which I will code more red pandas, so look out for those pretty soon), because red pandas are endangered and I think it's important to raise awareness to red pandas while I have a voice and degree of influence online, despite my affection for these furry creatures!

Am I not cute anymore?

Getting right into the actual purpose of this post, I STARTED A TUMBLR!! Y'all can check it out here and don't worry, I've linked all of my blog posts from here to there so you can check me out on this platform or Tumblr with little difficulty. The format is not as up to par as I would have hoped, but it was a bit of a hassle getting all of that content on there in the first place, so I'm pretty content and knd of impressed that I actually did it. In any case, you have all of that Funky Nurd glory on yet another platform so enjoy!

With constant love,

Joss Glenn

P.S. If you're not appreciating the whole black-and-white panda to red panda thing, hopefully these pictures will convince you that the change won't be too much of a dilemma.

Aren't I cute?

I'm adorable and trust me, I know it.


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