02 January 2015

News Year Resolution #1

Happy winter to all

...which in translation means I am sorry for the hiatus. Hope all of you had wonderful holidays, whatever that may be. Mine personally consisted of the usual games for prizes and dinner until I fell asleep--which never happens during this special of times of year! Well, is was bound to happen, For presents: A shawl unisex jacket that I have been sleeping with each night lately because of the mere warmth it provides me, other clothes that I appreciate having (considering the many people who don't have mich) but can't seem to fined myself wearing--I'll probably sell them on Amazon so look out!--and I tablet (The Surface) which I will now be typing my posts with (but I absolutely find it excruciating to type when the keys are flat, not having any sense of where the keys are exactly).

Speaking of the hiatus, I am hoping to blog A LOT MORE this year than past to exceed my overall number of posts. I will definitely be hard, but thankfully, the good thing about an adventure is how it's played. I'm still in school so between homework, studying, volunteering, and teeny peaks of sleep between time, I WILL--AND COMMIT--to going around my schedule to at least fit two posts a month. I do not promise anything, and I never will for that matter! But I will do the best that I can do, because I am not perfect; I am trying to do EVERYTHING and one thing I can't seem to handle is how much I can't control my everything. I mean if I was a good time-manager I would have blogged a heck of a lot more last year, but I am not as good as I think I am. And that's okay; it's something for me to deal with. The only thing I can do to rekindle that upset is NOT DO IT AGAIN!

My resolution for school consists of earning a GPA of a 4.7, which won't be easy, especially if I plan on blogging in between it all. But, the real test would be how I can overcome it all. That would be the true testament to me!

The story behind such a high GPA is that last semester I worked hard, but I slipped a little. During the summer I had made a list of expectations and tips for myself to succeed. I followed many, but neglected those that would otherwise make me more successful. My goal was a 4.5 and I ended up shy of a few micro-points, unfortunately. Again, if I would have put in a little effort and not have doubted a couple of things, I would have be fulfilled. As a matter of fact, one of the guidelines that I had made during the summer was to "not hesitate--just do"!

So to balance the 4.3something, I plan to get a 4.7--which I can earn with all my Honors/AP courses--to balance and eventually earn a total of 4.5. It will be the HARDEST semester, but it will pay off at some point, maybe even many points. Wish me luck!!

I have much to work on, and I will learn on the way. I will make many things happen and dry shy of others. Ultimately, there will be more goals for next year that I can achieve. What about you?

How were your holidays? Spectacular? Leave a comment below :)

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