24 February 2018

The #MeToo Story I Didn't Know I Had

They touched me.

And after all of these years of me having suppressed the fact that your slithery, violating hands touched me, I have since really forgotten that they were even there to begin with. But that doesn't excuse the fact that they were here and there and there and there.

17 February 2018

DIY: Soul Mate Chest

Hey hey!

Welcome to the beginning of this beautiful February! *blushies* Can you believe it's almost over?

February, what a time to remember that love exists--whether you remind yourself that you're in a relationship or not.

10 February 2018

Song of the Month | February 2018

"Running" by No Doubt from their album Rock Steady.

The song is reflective of finding and eloping with your soul mate to a place far from difficulty--now and forever more. I first heard the song from the series finale of Sabrina the Teenage Witch in 2003 and it seems nostalgic and romantic, especially as, SPOILER, Sabrina and Harvey ride off into the sunset on a motorcycle like in Grease, so yeah, it's pretty cliché. The song, though, accompanied the climatic moment and concealed the romantic trope.

The song really just transports you to more romantic thoughts--a possible, intangible, unlikely future, a dream. I wrote a poem that won third place during seventh grade and it reflect the idea of "Running." During that time, I wasn't in the best mindset and wanted to escape somehow, be optimistic about something. And it helped to some extent; it gave me a goal in life, something to look forward to, when I didn't really have many goals.

And it's a good lullaby.

Enjoy, friends!

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